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Crystal Dice™
Dwarven Metal™
Dwarven Stones®
Extraordinary Dwarven Stones®
Combat Mat®
Fantasy Dice
Classic Dice

Custom Dice

Skull Bag™
JIngle Bones®
Treasure Chest
Icehouse Pyramids
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Crystal Caste offers the adventure game player something no other dice manufacturer does: a totally new shape for polyhedral dice. Imagine dice in the shape of geometric crystals.

For those who prefer the traditional fantasy dice shapes, but want something special, we created Dwarven Stones. These RPG dice are made from solid rock, semi-precious stones or high quality metals. Our Combat Mat® comes in three sizes to fit any battle or dungeon role-playing scenario. And it's two-sided, giving you the choice of squares or hexes.

Through a special arrangement with eM-4-Miniatures, we also offer painted gaming figures. These pewter miniatures are perfect for player characters and NPCs. Of course, we also make classic D6 pipped dice in a variety of styles. Whether you play roleplaying games or standard board games, we have the dice and accessories for you.

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Not all of our dice are available through this site. This site is here for the convenience of those who do not have a local gaming store. To find a store near you that sells our products, click here.

If you have a local game store, and they do not carry our dice, please point them to this website. We encourage our European customers to visit They are in the UK and can better handle European orders.

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